Webinar – work&life balance How to achieve balance?

Mental healthWebinar – work&life balance How to achieve balance?

Work-life balance is the ability to balance professional and personal life.

Specialists agree that the ability to maintain the healthy balance between work and personal life allows you not only to be more fulfilled and happier in life, but also to be more efficient at work.

This problem concerns all employees, both those employed in corporations and those working in companies operating in the small and medium-sized enterprise sector. We recommend this seminar particularly to office employees, people working in sales and customer service, and managers at all levels.

Regardless of the position, the lack of the right work-life balance has negative consequences that always come down to one: stress. It is responsible for many health disorders, the most common of which include:

  • gastrointestinal disorders,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • anxiety-depressive disorders,
  • decrease in immunity.

Absenteeism among Medicover patients caused by mental health issues includes the following problems: 46% of absences are caused by responses to severe stress, and adaptive disorders; 26% are related to a depressive episode; 17% to anxiety disorders; 12% to other mental health sick leaves*.

According to data, stress has a huge impact on professional capabilities and the willingness to perform daily activities both at work and at home. Unfortunately, it often leads to burnout and depression.

The inability to break away from work, isolation, loss of contact with family and friends are frequent symptoms of the lost work-life balance, but also the result of living under chronic stress. That is why it is so important to achieve a balance between personal and professional life. To be able to do this, it is necessary to learn how to manage this balance in an effective manner.

What are the benefits of attending the seminar?

Step by step, we will guide participants through the nooks and crannies of the work-life balance: from getting to know the concept itself, to the ability to deal with the multi-tasking requirement.                           

  • We will verify time, goal, energy and task management techniques.
  • We will provide valuable tips on how to change daily activities and applied techniques, so that participants can create their individual action plans in line with their needs as regards functioning in different spheres of life.

The seminar will enable to learn how to balance work and personal life according to our inner convictions, whereas the boundaries created between these two spheres of life will become our individual boundaries and choices.  After all, the work-life balance largely determines how well we know ourselves, whether we can let go, and if we know what is important at a given time – because this is our choice.

* (Source: Internal data of Medicover Sp. z o.o. 2018–2019. The information includes only the data available from health services provided by Medicover, so it may be incomplete.)

Product recommended for:

Your company’s needs

  1. I would like to build engagement, resilience, mental fitness and energy of employees
  2. I would like to create safe working conditions: develop new workplace safety standards and requirements
  3. I would like to provide employees with benefits despite the need to reduce personnel costs related to e.g. employment or salaries

Type of employees

  • Employees sales and customer service
  • Employees management
  • Employees production
  • Employees office
  • Employees mobile
  • Employees remote