How to prevent work-related spine and joint pain?

Medical care and preventionHow to prevent work-related spine and joint pain?

Back pain is the most common condition that affects working people. Even 1/3 of them experience the pain to some extent. It can occur regardless of the nature of work if it is performed in a non-ergonomic way. It may affect both white- and blue-collar workers.

The difference is the direct cause of pain resulting from the type of work performed. White collars spend most of their working time in front of a computer, so they tend to suffer from pain and excessive tension in the cervical area. Blue collars who work physically are more likely to experience pain in other parts of the spine, e.g. due to lifting heavy load.

What do you need to know about spinal pain?

At the meeting, participants will first learn basic information about spinal anatomy. Then, the tutor will explain what spinal pain results from, and what is its pathophysiology. A thorough knowledge of the factors that result in overloading the spine enables to avoid them during work.

The most important part of the meeting is a detailed discussion of ergonomics of work and principles of pain prevention. Their correct implementation guarantees the reduction of conditions related to back pain, and prevents their recurrence.

At the meeting, there will be a questions and answers session during which participants will have the opportunity to compare the information obtained with their situation, and analyse the nature of their work and activities outside work.

Learning what causes of the back pain are will enable to see easier and more intuitive ways to overcome it.

Product recommended for:

Your company’s needs

  1. I would like to build engagement, resilience, mental fitness and energy of employees
  2. I would like to create safe working conditions: develop new workplace safety standards and requirements
  3. I would like to provide employees with benefits despite the need to reduce personnel costs related to e.g. employment or salaries

Type of employees

  • Employees sales and customer service
  • Employees management
  • Employees production
  • Employees office
  • Employees mobile
  • Employees remote