First aid training – injuries

Medical care and preventionFirst aid training – injuries

Every day, regardless of the work they do or its nature, your employees are at risk of injury. Some are more common, like burns or cuts, while others are rare. However, their impact on health and life can be very serious, e.g. lightning strike or spinal injury.

Injury training – the basic programme includes fundamental principles of dealing with and handling typical injuries.

Despite the fact that we are all equally exposed to burns or lightning strikes, we recommend the training especially to the companies whose employees, due to the nature of their work, are exposed to various types of injuries.

This type of training will directly translate into increased safety in the organisation. Employees will feel that their safety is important to the company, thus increasing their engagement and efficiency.

What will training participants learn?

The training is provided online. It is engaging thanks to the experience of the trainers and the use of effective communication platforms. Participants do not get bored, but effectively assimilate knowledge on first aid in injuries.

The training covers a number of issues directly related to the provision of first aid to the injured. Employees will learn about typical injuries that can occur at work and how deal with them. The topics discussed during the classes will include head, chest, abdomen and limb injuries. Additionally, participants will learn the following:

  • Dealing with the injured,
  • Information on burns from electric shocks or lightning strikes,
  • Dealing with people suffering from spinal injuries,
  • Content of the first aid kit and how to use it,
  • Prevention of bleeding and haemorrhages,
  • Fracture fixation.

Product recommended for:

Your company’s needs

  1. I would like to build engagement, resilience, mental fitness and energy of employees
  2. I would like to create safe working conditions: develop new workplace safety standards and requirements
  3. I would like to provide employees with benefits despite the need to reduce personnel costs related to e.g. employment or salaries

Type of employees

  • Employees sales and customer service
  • Employees management
  • Employees production
  • Employees office
  • Employees mobile
  • Employees remote